
Some not-so-fun-facts

FACT #1 More than 480 billion plastic bottles were sold worldwide in 2016. That is up from about 300 billion only a decade ago.
About one trillion single-use plastic bags are used annually across the globe. That’s nearly 2 million every minute.
More than half a billion plastic straws are used every day around the world.
FACT #4 Over half of the world’s plastic thrown out in 2015 was plastic packaging. That’s over 141 million metric tons.
FACT #5 Takeout orders account for around 269,000 US tons of plastic waste that have entered the oceans.
FACT #6 The amount of bubble wrap that is produced annually is enough to wrap around the Equator ten times.
FACT #7 The world uses 500 billion plastic cups every year.
FACT #8 16 billion disposable coffee cups are used each year. These are coated with plastic to laminate the inside and use plastic lids.
FACT #9 The world produces more than 14 million US tons of polystyrene (plastic foam)each year. Americans alone throw away around 25 billion Styrofoam cups every year.
FACT #10  Around the world, people litter more than 4.5 trillion cigarette butts every year.

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10 Best Glass Water Bottles | May 2017

We didn’t need any scientists to tell us that drinking from BPA-laced plastic containers was bad for us. We always knew that any beverage tastes better out of glass, especially crisp, clean water. And with this selection of beautifully designed bottles, staying hydrated on the go has never been easier, safer, or more fashionable.


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10 Best Glass Water Bottles | May 2017 Read More »

Glass Microbiology Sculptures

Luke Jerram has created a number of extraordinary art projects which have excited and inspired people around the globe. Luke Jerram’s practice involves the creation of sculptures, installations, live arts projects and gifts. He is a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the University of West of England. Further information on Luke’s entire practice can be found here:



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Good Gas, Bad Gas

Burn natural gas and it warms your house. But let it leak, from fracked wells or the melting Arctic, and it warms the whole planet.

Methane is bubbling from lakes all over the warming Arctic.

Methane is bubbling from lakes all over the warming Arctic. Here ecologist Katey Walter Anthony (at right) ignites a large bubble that was trapped by the fall freeze—then freed by an ice pick.

Read the full article.

Picture by Mark Thiessen

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